

Finding the Deep Well of Faith for the Miraculous

Author Pegge Golden
AvailableFeb 2 2022
Available MediaSoftcover, Ebook
Total Pages190
Softcover Price$14.99
Awaken: Finding the Deep Well of Faith for the Miraculous


Join Pegge on her journey and experience God as you read Awaken: Finding the Deep Well of Faith for the Miraculous.

Having lived through a horrific, life-changing experience, Pegge Golden shares in detail the darkest moments of her life and faith. A tragic accident brought thirty years of anguish within her spirit, soul, and body that no one could prepare for. Awaken is not only her testimony but records the many levels of faith she climbed to overcome all. Pegge’s story will bring encouragement that no matter what trials or tribulations come to you or someone you love, there is hope and power within for being victorious.

How long can someone live in intense and prolonged pain without giving up hope of ever being “normal” again? Pegge reveals what she learned during her great fight of faith, including the many questions and answers she received, as she could not simply read about God but instead had to experience Him. Pegge hopes that others whose faith is being challenged can find peace during their storm and the refuge that God offers to all His children.